Frequently Asked Questions

Unfortunately, once in a while, a Coach and client simply do not work well together. If that happens, we ask you to contact Customer Service. We will transfer you to another Coach, however, MFO also reserves the right to deny a transfer request as multiple transfers will not allow you to develop any consistency with your Coach.
There are a minimum of 40 calls. As there are 52 weeks in the year, we allow 12 weeks for things like holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc), coach vacations (2 non-consecutive weeks), the assumption that you may take two 1-week vacations throughout the year, and of course, attending MFO Events.
Every Coaching Client is different ... if you are already doing business, we ask that you not stop doing what you are currently doing, however, gradually implement the Mike Ferry Sales System techniques that you will be learning. The Clients that experience the fastest results are the ones who come to every call prepared ... who do their homework ... who have questions for their Coach and simply participate!