FCC “Consent” Law

The FCC will put into effect a new “consent” law on January 27th, 2025. Don’t fall for “experts” who can help you through this unless they have a full understanding of the FCC law. This is a federal law that can be enhanced by states. Did the state you live in enhance the law? Talk to your broker, speak to an attorney with FCC knowledge and stay compliant. There is always a path forward and it is always best to know how the law will affect you, if at all.

Mike and the owner of Arch Communication, Steve Cortez, will discuss this at the Production Retreat next week in Palm Desert, CA.

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How to Keep Complacency Out of Your Life

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV the week of July 4th, and we know, of course, this is a big national holiday in the U.S. So, if you’re taking the day off, which I hope you are, enjoy the time with your family and friends. You’re probably watching this on Tuesday, July 6th and that’s ok, too. I wrote down a series of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight phrases and words for your consideration. They’re all designed to keep complacency out of your life in the second half of the year. You know, most agents, most of our clients probably made a little more money than they’ve ever made before in the first half of the year. And that’s because this pandemic created for us a lot of buyers and sellers. So, let’s keep you on track and let’s not let complacency take over your life. I wrote down number 1, adjust to the new normal because things will never be the same as we’ve had in the past. We have a new normal, we have to adjust to that new normal. You know, it looks like at least for the next six months, there’ll still be an inventory shortage. It should start to change probably in the fourth quarter and in a lot of the country it’s changing now as we speak. I wrote down number 2, recommit to the work that needs to be done. That recommitment is vitally important. We got to commit every day to the schedule we have to the work in front of us, to the leads calling and setting appointments. I wrote down number 3, reenergize. Put some spring in your step, get your spirits up. You know, I mean, the pandemic is for most of us behind us. You know, we have a green light let’s go do something.

Then I wrote number 4, Relight the Fire internally. This is the time to have a six-month plan of what you’re going to do and accomplish. This is the time to get excited about your business plan, about taking listings, making sales. Number six, reengage. We have to get back involved because this pandemic created a sense of loneliness, whether you’re single or with a couple in a family. For a lot of people, we’ve got to get reengaged. And as I told the brokers last week, we’ve got to get those offices open up, operating, having meetings, even though they may be small. We’ve got to get reengaged. And then I wrote number 6, participate, for goodness sakes. You know, I mean, let’s face it, at some point, for a lot of people, Real Estate, if they don’t start doing something, nothing is going to happen. So, participate if the broker is running meetings, if there’s a seminar Superstar Retreat coming up, participate. And then I wrote down number 7, expect good results and you’ll get those good results if you’re doing the activities and taking action every day. And last on this short message of the week of July 4th. Don’t forget, development of skills is always going to give you the confidence to do your job at a higher level. So, review this probably every morning for the next five or six days. If you did celebrate the Fourth of July, I hope you had a wonderful time for our Canadian friends keep up the good work, keep up the great spirits, and we hope to see all of you very soon and a lot of you at the Superstar Retreat. Thank you.

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