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14 Ways to Get the Most Out of the Production Retreat West

Real estate agents attending Mike Ferry's Production Retreat

If you’re going to the Mike Ferry Production Retreat West, we’re looking forward to seeing you! This is an outstanding opportunity to market yourself, build your network and join the ranks of the Top Producing Real Estate Agents in the industry. Learn how to get the most out of the San Diego Production Retreat West on January 14-16, and enjoy your time at the gathering while getting the tools you need to take your business to the next level.

1)  Get Excited!

Attitude is everything, so get pumped for the Retreat. The more excited you are, the more engaged you’ll be and the more contacts you’ll make.

2) Be Prepared

Start a regimen of preparing yourself physically, mentally and emotionally for the Retreat. Be positive, get exercise and toss out those excuses and procrastinations.

3) Have a Business Plan

Complete your business plan for the coming year. Bring it with you so you can go over it with the Coaches you’ll meet here. Take advantage of this resource!

4) Dress for the Part

Present yourself as the Top Producer you want to be. This means dressing in the right clothes, of course, but it also means dressing your personality. Act like that Top Producer as well, and have the right go-getter attitude.

5) Know What You Need

Come up with things that you want to learn –  at least two concrete ideas –  and send them to your Coach. This will help you get what you need from the retreat.

6) Make Contacts

Set a goal for yourself that you’ll make at least one new contact every break between sessions. Bring business cards so that you can exchange contact information to build your network.

7) Set Role-Play and Accountability Appointments

As you make contacts, schedule role-play and accountability appointments. Put them in a calendar. Do this at the show, not after you get home.

8) Bring Conversation Starters

Write on index cards at least three questions that are sure to start conversations. Practice them to commit them to memory and bring them to the Retreat. Use them!

9) Bring Back Referrals

As you build your network, bring back at least two referrals from your Retreat. This will kickstart you when you get home.

10) Email Your Clients

Let your current clients know you’re coming to the Retreat. Tell them that this will enable you to better serve them and their needs.

11) Follow Up Leads

If you have leads you’re working on now, follow up on them. Make appointments to meet with these leads either before you leave or as soon as you return.

12) Work with Your Coach

Spend time with your Coach at the Retreat. Talk to others about what you’re learning and exchange notes. Introduce others to your Coach.

13) Keep Your Staff Working

Give your staff tasks to complete while you’re gone, and check in every day. Don’t allow your business to languish while you’re gone, or you’ll have to waste time getting up and going again when you get back.

14) Clean the Office

There’s nothing like coming home to a good, clean setting. Clean your space before you leave and feel refreshed upon return.

Follow these 14 steps, and you’ll have a great time at the Production Retreat West, as well as getting the most out of the conference. To learn more or get registered for other great events from Mike Ferry, check out our events archive today!

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