
Past Client And Center Of Influence

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. We are here on the week of April 11th and I want to suggest something to you. My name is Tony Smith, Vice President of The Mike Ferry Organization. And Mike had asked me to write one of our emails to our Coaching Clients a couple of weeks ago, and I think I struck a little bit of a nerve with it because we had a lot of responses that came back. So, I want to suggest this to you. Real Estate Agents find themselves typically in one of four categories when it comes to generating business. So just follow through with me on this. Four Types [Categories] of Real Agents The first category is (1) an agent becomes really good...

Maximizing Your Opportunity

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, the Vice President at The Mike Ferry Organization, and I'm thrilled to spend a few minutes today with you here on Mike Ferry TV. Well, congratulations. It's the week of April 4th. A brand-new quarter is sitting right in front of us. You know, we get a chance to start over daily if we want weekly. If we want. Quarterly, if we want. Of course, yearly, you have to look at your approach to the second quarter of this incredible Real Estate time in our lives. I know that many of us are going to look back and see this window of time of 20, 21, 22, 23 as one...

What Should You Focus On This Year In Real Estate?

Mike Ferry: Good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV the week of March 21st. Two weeks ago, I sent a pretty extensive email to all of our Coaching Clients and it was regarding different comments and different conversations that I have had with some of the Brokers and Owners that I have the good fortune of working with. I wanted to share these with you because, you know, the M.O. on Mike Ferry as that he is old-fashioned and controversial. And you know, we hear all these things all the time. I get told this almost every day. So, I think it would be good to share with all of you that do watch Mike Ferry TV, some of the...

The Five Equities

Mike Ferry: Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV, it is the week of March 14th, so I guess the first question we have to look at is have you personally experienced what many, many, many of the regions have experienced as we start 2022? And that is the fact that most people in Real Estate and we've discussed this before had the best year of their entire life in 2021. If you were a full-time agent. The best year revolved around the amount of money that you earned, and I'm so glad to see so many people earning substantial amounts of money in Real Estate. And of course, the question is, is that because of the personal work ethic...

Why Is Inventory So Low?

Mike Ferry: And welcome to Mike Ferry TV, it is a week of March 7th, 2022. Every year goes by quickly, which means one of the most important things each of us can do is make sure that the time we're spending as a professional realtor is production-oriented time versus almost anything else. And there are so many activities we can be involved in to be more productive. Let's just make sure that 60 to 70 percent of each day is involved in something that leads to a listing taken or a Buyer controlled sale. It will certainly make the end of the first quarter of this year; it'll make you feel a lot better if you're doing the right stuff....

13 Job Responsibilities To Building A Great Team

Mike Ferry: Welcome back, good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of February 28, the last day of a very short month. We hope January/February has been good and productive for you. Two weeks ago in Fort Lauderdale, I did a three-day Listing Seminar and we spent virtually one hundred percent of those three days on every aspect of what an agent needs to learn to do to list property and volume. And I talked about the fact that probably the hottest topic in Real Estate next to listings and low inventory is the fact that everybody today in Real Estate seems to believe that they should build a team. I get asked all the time, you know,...

A Proven Technique

Tony Smith: Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, the Vice President of the Mike Ferry Organization, and I'm excited to be here with you today. This is the week of the twenty first of February 2022, man time flies. You know, I've got an interesting little topic that I want to cover today in Mike Ferry TV. And you know, this is a proven technique that if you're in coaching, you've maybe experienced this with your coach. You may have experienced this through Mike Ferry's teachings, those kinds of things. But what about creating an action plan for yourself? Creating an action plan for yourself. Now I'm not talking about the plan of action that you would...

The Foundation Of Real Estate – Part 2

Mike Ferry: Ok, welcome back. It's a week later, I'm in the studio from last week doing two weeks. As I mentioned, I'm overseas for several weeks doing programs for our companies overseas. I decided that I would record two weeks in advance. And this is the second half of our talks about prospecting thoughts, lead generation thoughts, hopefully to help you understand, to inspire you and to get you to do a little bit, if not a lot of prospecting, to make sure that this year, starting today, February 14th, the continues to be a great year. It should be a great year. It only will not be a great year if you're not in conversations with people. I've written...

The Foundation Of Real Estate – Part 1

Mike Ferry: Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. This going to be a two-week segment recorded today. Halfway through, we'll stop and then we'll continue with February 14 for the second half of today's recording. We are doing it this way because I'll be overseas for the next several weeks. So, this is the week of February 7th and the week of February 14th. And we're going to talk about a topic that has been talked about, discussed, beat up, thrown aside, used unused forever in Real Estate, which are topics regarding the words of lead generation or prospecting. I wrote, and I'm going to read a lot of this to you because I think it's important that I...