
Common Objections Most Agents Face

Common Objections Agents Face

We get a lead, we follow up effectively and set an appointment. We prequalify. Then we go out and do the best job we can do (whether it be a buyer or seller) to present to them the property they’re trying to buy and why they should list with us. We’re very passionate about it. You feel good, you’ve made a good presentation, and then they give you two or three objections (which is like a slap in the face sometimes and even the best agents are caught off guard). I want to spend a little time on handling objections that I think can help you when these things come up. First of all, the most important thing I can say...

Prequalifying Saves Time

How Prequalifying Saves Time

A month ago, I said we have three great months to produce. Now we have two: November and December. I hope that your mindset is that you can be very productive in these two months. October, November, December; we know that the market naturally slows down. It’s normal, it happens every year, there’s a little slow down. People are waiting until after the holidays, etc. At the same time, I think most of you recognize that nationwide the market is slowing down. That’s normal, real estate is a very cyclical business. We have four or five years of a very strong economy (that we’ve experienced from 2012 through this year), and then we have a hiccup, and it’s 6, 12, 18...

Strengthen Your Mindset

Strengthen Your Mindset

We still have a lot of time to do a lot of highly productive things to boost your real estate career. As you’ve heard me say time and time again: starting around mid-September, the agents that are not doing anything of consequence pretty much stop because they’re going to wait until the New Year to start. Think about that, they’re stopping in September and October waiting for the New Year to start. By the time the New Year starts, they’re out of the business mindset. There’s also a lot of agents, you may be one of them and I hope you are, that have had a great year. Don’t stop the momentum that you have. It’s a very important part of...

Mike Ferry Real Estate Blog

Focus and Discipline

What distractions are controlling your schedule? It’s hard to believe that this year is almost gone, and I hope each of you understand the importance of working through the end of the year. The year does not end on December 1st, it ends on Dec 31st. Last week, Sabrina and I were in Moscow, Russia. I was doing a three-day event, the complete listing workshop. We had about 400 agents in the room. It was an incredible audience, great experience for us and great experience for them. On day two, we had four people approach me. There were only about 4-5 that spoke English out of the 400+ people and they walked up early in the morning and I asked, “What can I do...

showing property to buyers

Showing Property To Buyers

What to focus on when showing property to buyers. Mike focuses a lot on listing property. So much so, that a misconception has arisen. The misconception is that Mike Ferry doesn’t want you to work with buyers. It’s incorrect. What Mike says is that it will be very difficult to sell 50, 75 or 100 homes a year when your primary source is buyers. We all know that buyers can sometimes be more available or easier to find, and with the recent shift you may be experiencing in your marketplace, your ability to effectively put buyers into contract can help you maintain your production level and help you sell more homes. Whether you’re showing your own listings or those of another company the...

real estate scripts for cold calling Mike Ferry real estate blog

Practicing Real Estate Scripts for Cold Calling: Developing Sales Skills

What Are You Doing To Finish The Year Strong? October, November and December we have to get to work. We have to make things happen, as I said a couple weeks ago, if you have not been strong, you have four months to be strong. If you’ve been strong, don’t quit. Let’s keep it going. The Mike Ferry Sales System So what we’re looking at each week is the Mike Ferry sales system, the back half, the side that most people don’t get involved in or technically, for all of you that are watching this, is the half we discuss with our coaching clients more and more. The first half is taught through our seminars, prospecting, lead follow-up, etc. The back half things like...

Real Estate Blog Ron Cronin Mike Ferry TV

7 Ways To Get Your Offer Accepted

Upgrade Your Skills In This Shifting Market As many of you are experiencing, the market is starting to shift. Across North America, we’re seeing the conditions changing dramatically and at a rapid pace. I thought I’d share a skill you haven’t had to use in quite a while: the skill of presenting the offer. As a great listing agent there are many skills required; one of them is the ability to present an offer in a way that causes the seller to move forward and take action. We’re going to write seven steps today on how to present the offer in an effective manner at your next listing presentation. Determine The Sellers's Motivation 1. Discuss the seller’s motivation when you present the offer to...

Real Estate Blog Tony Smith Mike Ferry TV

12 Reasons You Need To Make A 90 Day Real Estate Business Plan

The Power of a 90 Day Cycle For Planning Your Real Estate Business You know, in my own personal career, the power of a 90-day real estate business plan cycle has shown itself several times, but beyond that we have physical fitness gurus, Rockefeller, Jobs, Gates, Buffet … all have expressed an interest and shown how a 90-day cycle can really affect your business. Of course, our mentor Mike Ferry, has taken this on as well. In fact, we have a program called 90 Days With Mike so there is a lot of power in controlling your business over a 90-day window. I wanted to give you a few points of how you can take full advantage of a 90 day real...

Mike Ferry Real Estate Blog

6 Thoughts on Successful Lead Follow-up

Are You Aggressive Enough? Let me throw a thought at you. Your leads gave you their name, their number, email address, contact information for a reason. Be respectful, but be aggressive. They wouldn’t give their name and number if they didn’t want you to follow up. You know, I’d guess right now if we took all the hundreds of thousands of great customers we have and we totaled up all the leads that you folks have accumulated and held on to and are grooming and, you know, nurturing, etc. you probably have millions and millions of dollars in commission that are waiting to be actually given to somebody that will be aggressive. We live in a highly competitive world today and it doesn’t...