
10 Characteristics of Successful Agents – Part 1

The days and weeks go by fast, so I hope you're off to a fast start! The interesting thing for me is the majority of our clients are doing a lot of business between January 2nd and today. They followed up on all the great leads they had from the fourth quarter. They've set appointments, they're going on listings. We need you to do the same! There's a lot of business out there, don't let anything or anybody tell you there's not. One of the fun parts of what I've done for the last 43, 44 years now is studying, talking to, listening to, questioning, spending time with people that are very successful real estate people. In the last six months...

The Prequalifying Process

Some real estate agents spend a huge amount of time building relationships with prospects. They get to know them, become friends, share recipes, play golf and ensure they do everything but sell! The problem is that building a relationship takes a long time and produces highly uncertain results. There is no guarantee that the buddy you've built and cultivated will ever list his or her home for sale. Or list with you! Relationship building is a nice way to make friends, but you've come to the real estate industry to make a living. Let's move away from the concept of building a relationship, and instead let's turn our attention to the concept of prequalifying. Prequalifying Prospects The process is like any other procedure...

2019 Production

It is Christmas Eve Day. For those that celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. Here we are facing 2019, a new year. It should be exciting, it’s going to be a little more challenging than what we’ve experienced in the past, but I’ve committed virtually 44 years to try to figure out how to help a young person (or maybe an experienced veteran, or maybe a long time real estate agent) become more productive, do more deals, make more money and enjoy the experience of real estate a little more than they have in the past. Let’s face it, it’s a tough business if you’re not doing anything productive. It’s a tough business to do something productive, because there’s so much to learn....

Techies vs. MFO

The year is almost done, the end is around the corner. I just finished doing in Orange County, California, a three-day listing workshop. We had 481 people in attendance, of which probably 85% were from southern California. We had them from Nevada, Arizona, Washington, as far away as New York and from Georgia attend this workshop. It was interesting, because on the second day, I had two young men, and I would say they were probably millennials under age 36. Their appearance somewhat gave them away in terms of how they dressed because this audience that I attract generally comes professionally dressed, and I think for those who have been to my events you’ll see that. These three guys walked up...

Keep Your Business Active and Strong

Last week, I referred to 12 steps in relationship to what we call a "normal market". On our site, there is a report that I have written called Mike Ferry’s 2019 Market Report. I’d like you to download it. I’d like you to read it, study it, understand it. If you have questions, send me a note and I’ll try to explain it. This report can be used in a variety of ways, most importantly to help you understand what 2019 is going to be all about for you and I as residential real estate people. That’s really important. Sit down with your broker, your manager, if you have a coach and discuss the report and its effects (positive and...

How to be a Bigger Player in a Normal Market

We all know the market's changing, and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out. We know that things are different today than they were six months ago. Very different today than they were in January, February, March of this year. What I want to say to you to start is the following: it's really more of a mindset and activity issue—meaning the market that you're involved in—versus an economy issue. Everybody wants to make this something different than it is. This is a mindset and activity issue when agents are working. Things always happen in a positive fashion. When agents are not working, for whatever reason, obviously things don't happen Agents Influence the Market I have said for many...

Productivity vs. Being Busy

I have two thoughts for today. First, about 10-15 days ago I recorded a short video (8-9 minutes long). We sent it to about 4,500 brokers and it’s titled, “Disruptions in Real Estate Is Meaningless” and what does that really mean? It’s for broker/owners. I don’t know if your broker/owner received it, you might want to check. If not, send us an email and I’ll have that sent to you or your broker/manager. It’s a very important message for your BOMs because it’s designed to benefit you in being more productive. Two weeks ago, our longtime superstar coach, Gaylee Weinberg, called me on the phone and said, “Mike, could you do a message for us on productivity versus being busy? And...

Talking Business and Technology

Mike: We’re right around the corner from the Thanksgiving holiday. One of the things I committed to you was that we’re not going to do advertising and not try to sell you anything in these videos. I want to make sure you understand when we have a person like Jim Eggleston with us today, it’s informational to help you become better. Jim is one of the Owners and he’s the CEO of Cole Information. You’ve heard about Cole a lot because they are at all of our events. We push Cole hard on all of our clients because they are the technology, they’re the information that allows you to prospect. When I say the word prospect, this audience cringes. I talked about...

Eight Points On Closing Effectively

Two weeks ago in Washington D.C. we had the first of what we hope to be many Production Retreat East. Some of you were probably in attendance. We had a great group 600 participants at our first East Coast Production Retreat and it was interesting because one of the questions that came up several times to me (in a small event, when you have 600 people we can do a lot of Q&A that we can’t do a lot of at our big retreats), the question was, “How would I become a little more effective at closing to get a signature after I make a listing presentation or work with a buyer?” I wrote down eight points that I want...