
How to Become a Better Listing Presentation Presenter Part 1

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. It’s the week of December 9th. It’s hard to believe this year has gone by as quickly as it has. It seems like just yesterday I was presenting something for December 1st, 2018. We’re almost at the end of not only a good year … we’re almost at the end of the decade. Okay … I get asked all the time about how to become a better listing presentation presenter … and the truth is … the marketplace in the world of listing property has changed in a very positive manner. Positive meaning that you have to become better and better to be a competitor because the agent’s listing property today are becoming better and...

8 Steps for a Strong First Quarter

Your competition has already checked out and the marketplace is open for you. Here are 8 very specific actions you could take between now and the end of the year for a strong first quarter. Hello. Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. I’m Ron Cronin. It’s the week of December 2nd … can you believe it? There are only 21 business days left in the year. Well, here’s a question for you … Would you like to have a strong January? A strong first quarter … meaning you have saleable listings, new sales and a lot of income? Well, if you answered “yes,” I wrote down some very specific actions that you could take between now and the end of the year …...

Mike Ferry shaking hands with another Real Estate Agent at an event

Discount Agents and Discount Coaches

You are a full service … high quality professional Real Estate salesperson. You secure a potential Seller lead and you do your job the way it should be done. You pre-qualify the Seller … send out the Pre-Listing Package … call and confirm. They have read it and you show up 5 minutes early of the appointed time.  You are dressed professionally … you have done your market research and you make a professional sales presentation. You present your value proposition to the potential Seller and what you say makes perfectly good sense and it is what needs to be done to get the home sold. You feel you are 90% there …to get a contract signed at a fair...

2020 Business Planning

Business planning is what makes a great agent a great agent. Watch this week's MFTV and learn how to set up your 2020 business plan ... how to get it prepared and how to make it work in your favor. Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of November 25. We have 5 weeks left in the decade that we’ve been playing with for a long time. This has been an interesting decade. If you’ve been involved in Real Estate since January of 2010, we’ve experienced the worst and the best … virtually … in this decade. Been a little cool the last 18 months in the Real Estate industry. That’s normal … we have a little...

Two women Real Estate Agents smiling while wearing headsets

10 Commitments Every Real Estate Agent Should Make

So you're looking to join the ranks of the Top Producing Real Estate Agents, and why not? The Real Estate business can be exceptionally lucrative, but there are also a lot of common pitfalls that keep many agents from realizing their true potential. Making it big starts with making commitments. Learn about the 10 commitments every Real Estate Agent should make and how you can get the tools to make it all happen for your business. 1) Read Your Business Plan Weekly Every week, no matter how long you've been operating, you should go over your business plan in detail. Remind yourself where you wanted to go when you started this, and explore those areas that may not have worked as you thought. 2)...

Start 2020 Fast

Over the past couple of weeks, we've been doing a lot of company planning. How well are you planning 2020? Listen to this week's MFTV to hear about the new and exciting events we're rolling out in 2020 to improve your profitability and production. Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of November 18th ... 6 weeks left in this decade. I hope you’re doing well ... hope you’re finishing strong and of course because you’re going to finish strong, you’re going to start 2020 fast. One of my original mentors, a guy named Michael Vance, who many of you heard me talk about was one of the key people in the Disney operation for many, many...

20 Ways to Build a Successful Real Estate Business

Building your Real Estate business can be a big challenge, but it can also be a rewarding one. In order to find success, you need to take it step by step, building the skills you need along the way. Learn 20 ways to build a successful Real Estate business and where you can get all of the skills and tools required to make it happen for you. 1) Remember That It's a Business Make every decision for your business a sound one. Even if you're working for yourself, Real Estate is still a business. 2) Keep Your Priorities Straight Every Real Estate business has 4 priorities, and it's important to concentrate on them daily. These priorities are lead prospecting, lead follow-up, listing and negotiations....

10 Point Evaluation for a Better Year in 2020

This week on MFTV, I’m going to look at some very basic fundamentals in terms of strengths and weakness. Evaluate yourself on the 10 categories I cover this week. And good morning, everybody. Mike Ferry Mike Ferry TV, November 11th. Wow, two months left in what's going to be the end of another decade for all of us. A new decade right around the corner many of you may not have either understood or remembered when we change decades as often as we do, because as we get older, the decades fly by. So here we are headed into 2020. What I like to do usually around this time of year each year is do a little strengths and weaknesses analysis...

A Real Estate Agent smiling while he holds a pen

Real Estate Agents: How to Develop a Winning Attitude

Attitude is everything in the Real Estate business. It reflects how you view a person, a thing, or even the world in general, but it’s more than that. It’s also a controller of how you react to those things. Developing a winning attitude is essential to building your business. Learn the tools you need to develop this so that your successful Real Estate efforts will put you among the Top Producers in the world and find out where you can get those tools. Your Attitude Is Your Success A good attitude is everything in Real Estate. When you have a good attitude, you will be more attentive to the needs of your business and your customers. You will be better able to...