
The 7 Money Making Tactics within Real Estate

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 9th, 2020. Two full months are done … I hope you did what your job was defined to be … because if you didn’t, you can’t make up what you lost, but you can certainly gain momentum by getting back to work … hopefully starting today. I received an email a couple weeks ago from a new licensee and new to the Mike Ferry Organization … and he said, “Okay, I want to do … “ I think it was 18 deals in his first 12 months, which is doable, of course … and then he said, “I want to, within 3 to 4 years, get to 50 to 60...

The Fundamentals of Selling within Real Estate

  Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 2nd … 2 months down … 10 to go … however you’ve done in your first 2 months … are you tracking your numbers? Are you tracking what you’re doing? Are you learning from the experiences? This past week, I had the good fortune of speaking at a great convention in Los Angeles … and I had a conversation with three or four of my customers who were there. We were talking about the difference between the agents that seem to do the most production and make the most money and the rest … and of course, you know, I’ve said this to you before, but for...

A Real Estate Agent wearing a headset while typing on his laptop

5 Prospecting Mistakes Every Real Estate Agent Must Avoid

A major aspect of the Real Estate business is prospecting. If you want to get the most out of your efforts, you need to make sure your prospecting skills are effective in reaching potential clients who you can actually turn into Buyers. One of the best ways to get prospecting right is by avoiding doing prospecting wrong. Here are 5 prospecting mistakes Real Estate Top Producers must avoid. Not Prospecting Enough One of the most common prospecting mistakes is failing to prospect. This may seem obvious, but it's more common than you might think. Imagine you have 3 clients who have all but signed off on a sale. You're waiting a few weeks for the process to finalize, and you don't want...

What it Means To Be a Real Estate Leader

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is Monday the 24th of February … almost 2 months gone from what is going to be, hopefully, your best year of your entire career. You know what’s interesting? A great week … a great month … a great quarter always starts with a great day … and I really push all of our Coaching clients always to think about what you’re going to do on this day to produce something of value for a potential Buyer or potential Seller. See, the real goal we all have is to have a certain number of qualified appointments with Buyers or Sellers on a weekly and monthly basis. It starts with what you’re doing...

The Money Issue

  And welcome to Mike Ferry TV … the week of February 17th. Last week, I said to you to start our short little presentation that I asked Cydney and Ron from our staff to give me some thoughts or some topics that they felt were important at this time for all of us in Real Estate. One of the topics was … and I think we talked about it last week … getting the most out of each 90-day cycle, but then they said to me, “If we’re going to talk about the 90-day cycle, you have to talk about the rewards, which is the money that we earn.” You know … it’s a strange topic when you talk about money...

90-Day Cycles

? Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is Mike Ferry … the week of February 10th, 2020. I asked Ron Cronin and Cydney Fullen a couple of days ago … I said, “What do you think is the most important thing that I can share on Mike Ferry TV to help our clients … our prospects … all of you that are involved in watching … to keep their business moving forward as quickly as possible?” I’m working under the assumption that everybody that watches Mike Ferry TV has a goal … objective … a plan … something they want to accomplish in this calendar year 2020. I’m assuming that you’re willing to pay that price … whatever that price is … to...

The Basic Foundation of Selling

  Welcome to Mike Ferry TV … it is the week of February 3rd. I’ll tell you … time flies when you’re productive, profitable and having a good time … and I hope all three are happening to you at this moment. When I opened up the Production Retreat several weeks ago in San Diego, I referred to the fact that the foundation of almost any good sales business … now we have to understand that in Real Estate, often Real Estate people think that we are the only people involved in selling … and I want you to think about it this way … this pen was invented, produced, manufactured and then sold by somebody to somebody. This little podium was thought...

Methods to Build a Real Estate Business

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV … it is the week of January 27th. One month down … we have 11 to go to make 2020 … hopefully … your best and most productive career year to date. I really believe that anybody watching our Mike Ferry TV … and we’re very lucky to have thousands and thousands of people watching … anybody that’s watching that makes their decision here that they’re going to have a great year. What I want to do today is take a few minutes and talk to you about our Production Retreat that we did 2 weeks ago in San Diego. We had … again … I think we had 1,890 people there … just...

Mike Ferry and a panel on stage during a Production Retreat

How to Become a Superstar Real Estate Agent

If there's one question that every Real Estate Agent asks (or should ask) at some point in time, it's "How do I become a superstar?" The answer to that question may be far more straightforward than you think. Mike Ferry, noted sales consultant and speaker, has devoted his life to guiding Real Estate professionals toward finding the heights of success in their business and in their overall lives. Learn what it takes to become a superstar Real Estate Agent, the mindset you need, the steps you have to take and how to find success in business and life. Becoming a Superstar Real Estate Agent Becoming a superstar Real Estate Agent means becoming a superstar in everything you do. If that seems overly...