
A man standing at his desk with his laptop open

How to Stay Strong During This Pandemic

Now more than ever you need to stay on top of your game as a Real Estate Agent! This pandemic has turned our world upside down and as the impact of this crisis makes it hard to stay positive, we all need to remain strong and push forward. Here are some tips to help you in maintaining a positive outlook during this time: Stay on Top of Things As a Real Estate Agent, you still have a job and that job isn’t going to stop. Staying focused can be a good way to remain the calming force in your home. Despite these unprecedented times, things will eventually get better, and your skills will be stronger. Check-in with your prospects and past clients. Remind...

How to Become a Better Listing Agent in Today’s Market (Part 1)

Welcome and good morning. Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of April 27th ... January, February, March and April gone. Well, we have some fun times ahead of us ... and as we all know, we've been dealing with a very, very difficult and challenging time … really since about the 1st of March. It's interesting that for most agents that we work with very closely, and hopefully you're part of that group, January and February were pretty strong. We got off to a good start this year. First week or 10 days of March was pretty good and then, of course, when this whole challenge we're facing today came into our heads in such a big manner...

A woman with her headset on smiling while sitting at her desk

4 Reasons Why You Must Stay Connected

Social distancing may have changed the dynamic of your job and obligations, but at The Mike Ferry Organization, we will continue to lead by example! Your role as a Real Estate Agent has shifted, however this is a reminder to remain a calming force for your clients during this difficult time. Here are 4 reasons why Real Estate Agents need to stay connected and productive. Your Schedule Has Shifted Real Estate Agents generally don’t have a standard work shift, but a disruption in schedule doesn't have to be a disruption in productivity. Virtual meetings and video chats give you the opportunity to be available for your clients throughout more points of the day. Keeping Up with Your Responsibilities Your job duties aren't going anywhere...

Become Your Own Real Estate Resource Center

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of April 20th. Who would have thought on March 1st of this year, which was virtually 45 … 50 days ago, that our country, North America, and most of the world would be in the position we're in today? I don't think anybody could really project that, but we're in that position … and now, of course, we have to adapt to how we're going to do business and how to make our business continue to run to service the Buyers and Sellers we have. See, the biggest thing that I think most agents are suffering from is fear ... and it's the fear of not knowing where this particular...

How Lead Follow-up Translates into Success

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of April 13th ... Easter Monday, as my wife reminded me today. I have an unusual topic you will probably think for this week and next week. I'm going to talk to you about lead follow-up ... and of course, a lot of you will be saying, "Mike, I need more inspiration ... more motivation ... more good mindset thoughts to keep me on track. Why are we talking about lead follow-up?" Because ... there is a really key point in play today in the Real Estate business ... and that is the fact that I'm doing about 18 webinars per week for the different Brokers we work with around...

The 18 Advantages of the Current Market (Part 2)

Good morning. It is the week of April 6th and things are getting more exciting every day because this crazy, terrible thing we're facing is not disappearing. Now, we're hoping it does. We're seeing more good news on the horizon all the time. Our government ... the Canadian government ... most governments are taking very positive, active steps to assist all of us. When it's a time of crisis, we have to behave in a different manner than we would normally. Learning to work remotely, which a lot of you are learning to do, is really a huge advantage because when we go back to normal ... you'll have two avenues ... your office and the support that you get there...

The 18 Advantages of the Current Market (Part 1)

Good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of March 30th. So, we are now pretty deeply involved in a very, very difficult situation ... and if you're a client of The Mike Ferry Organization ... we're sending out a lot of very ... what we think are ... positive, action-oriented things to do as this particular problem continues ... and hopefully it'll be solved soon and we can all go back to normal. In the meantime, I have a great list that I've put together. Tony Smith is one of our top, top, top Coaches and has been for years and a client for probably 25-30 years. He sent me an interesting email and he said, "Here...

How Proactive Real Estate Agents are attacking COVID-19

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of March 23rd. Okay … so for 45 years … the one thing that people have said about Mike Ferry is, “He’s too controversial” … and of course, I teach what I believe to be common sense, which, in most cases, is very controversial. This morning, before I started recording … I often get a lot of feedback to our Mike Ferry TV, which I’m always open to … and this morning I was handed 11 and they were all regarding this last week, saying, “Thank you … thank you … very positive … excited … thank you … thank you.” Then I got one that says … “Mike,...

Real Estate and COVID-19: How to Be the Calming Force

Good Monday morning. It’s the week of March 16th and welcome to Mike Ferry TV. So, I wrote down one … two … three … four … five … six points for us today that I want you to focus on. Point number one of course is … let’s remember that we all have a job to do … and in Real Estate, there’s no restrictions on the fact that you have to stay home … and if you do have to stay home because you’re not feeling well, you can still pick up the phone and call somebody. So, do your job. I think that’s the most important message that I can relay. You know, the fears that everybody is experiencing...