
10 Points on Finishing Your Year Successfully

OK, everybody, welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of June 29th and of course, hard to believe the year is now half over. That's good news because the first six months certainly were not ... I don't think what anybody expected, anticipated or thought would take place. But the really good news is that means we still have six months to achieve the goals we've set. And I've said this to all of you before Mike Ferry TV ... Years ago we did some research and we really look carefully at the production of people that are considered to be top, top, top producers in the real estate industry. What we discovered was that about 70 percent of...

What Agents Can Learn from The 4 Levels of Learning

And welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of June 22nd, 2020. Interesting, you know, I've been very lucky in my life to have a lot of people train me ... teach me ... mentor me ... today we call it "coaching" ... on how to run my business, how to do business, how to get up and speak, etc. I've mentioned their names to you many, many times. Obviously, Earl Nightingale was an important influence on my life. Mike Vance, who I met through Earl Nightingale ... very important influence in my life. Dr.  Gunther Klaus, who I met through Mike Vance ... very important influence in my life. And then Larry Wilson, who I met through...

How to Give Your Sales Skills a Refresher

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV … the week of June 15th. Gosh, it’s hard to believe that we have almost half the year gone. It’s been a crazy year, but a lot of you are doing your job the right way and that’s the name of the game. I had a couple interesting requests this week. I had two Brokers, not related or didn’t know they were both requesting the same thing, that said to me that they use the Mike Ferry TV a lot of times to help train some of their newer licensees on how to sell Real Estate … and they said, “You know, at some point, could you give us a little refresher course … I guess...

The 4 Personality Styles and What They Mean within Real Estate

Good afternoon … good morning … good evening … whatever time of day you’re watching … Mike Ferry TV … the week of June 8th. The year is going by quickly … the pandemic is helping us now because it’s going away and it’s making our business much better. Three weeks ago … three-and-a-half weeks ago … I did our annual Management Retreat. We did it virtually from here in our studio in Las Vegas versus doing it live with 325 great Brokers and Managers. It was interesting because what I want to cover today with you I covered with them also … and I’ve had a lot of requests … and I was quite taken by surprise … the number...

Why Today is Such a Big Part of Your Real Estate Future

Good morning everybody. It is Mike Ferry. It is Mike Ferry TV ... the week of June 1st. Boy … 30 days from now ... one half of this year is over ... of which we have spent the last couple months in some pretty interesting and trying times. The good news is, we saw the last 2 weeks of March being very challenging ... April, probably the worst month we've seen in Real Estate in several years ... probably going back to 2008 ... '09 ... '10 ... '11 ... '12 ... and, of course, then May became much better and June looks like it's going to be even brighter yet. I had a phone call a couple days ago from...

How Successful Agents are Overcoming Market Obstacles

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of May 25th. Time is flying by … and the good news is, the difficult times we've all been facing from the 1st of March through the end of April are getting better and better. They're improving ... market's picking up. You're seeing that in your offices ... if you're working. You're seeing that in the transactions in your local Board of Realtors. You know, I keep saying to people that there's light at the end of the tunnel and the light is getting brighter and brighter in our favor as Real Estate professionals. In fact, I hope that the tunnel is wide enough that as this train comes racing back...

The Key Questions Agents are Asking Through this Crisis (Part 2)

? Welcome to the week of May 18th ... brighter days ahead ... there's a light at the end of the tunnel. We're seeing more things happening that are good in Real Estate. You know, May is a good month for Real Estate, almost always, nationwide ... and it seems to be better for all of us. At the same time, we have to be open to some of the changes that are taking place. So, what I want to do is I want to continue what I did last week by answering some of the questions that I'm being asked all the time. I'm almost at 100 webinars that I've done personally since March 15th and, of course, you know and...

The Key Questions Agents are Asking Through this Crisis (Part 1)

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is Monday, the week of May 11th. Time flies when you're having fun ... and I know you are having fun. Since ... let's see ... I guess it would be March 15th or 16th ... I've now done some place in the neighborhood of 95 or 96 30-45-minute webinars for Brokers ... Managers ... clients ... companies … all over North America. It's been a lot of work ... it's been a lot of fun ... we've had a lot of interesting conversations with a lot of great people ... and what I've been doing is I've been answering some of the common questions that Real Estate people ask me. You may have been...

How to Become a Better Listing Agent in Today’s Market (Part 2)

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of May 4th. It's hard to believe that this home isolation has passed us by so quickly ... and I know it's been very difficult for many, many, many people ... and I want to share one thought with you. For those of you that are still at some level of this home isolation, which a lot of people are, of course, I get asked the question frequently, "You know, Mike, what is the best schedule to keep in this circumstance?" You know ... it's a tough thing because we have a Real Estate company ... we have a physical location ... we used to go into it ... although it's been...