
The 4 Points of Effective Prospecting

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of August 21st. The year is flying by fast. Business is good for those that are working and those that are actively seeking, trying to get listings ... and I want to just mention, as we start this segment for today ... You know, yes ... I'm getting a lot of feedback from people saying, "Well, why aren't you talking about Buyers?" Well, the market today is for the agents that are going after listings, and the reason for that, of course, is the fact that the abundance of agents and the abundance of Buyers working together is causing all your listings to sell that much faster. So, do you...

Why Agents Need to List Property Now More than Ever

Good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of August 24. I think … well, I hope by now that all of us recognize the critically important role we play today in Real Estate, which is that of a strong Listing Agent. You know, there’s no question, there’s always going to be a big group of agents that are driving Buyers around and showing property, but that’s a very tedious, time consuming, and, in many cases, a very frustrating part of our business, which is working with Buyers in an inventory shortage market that we’re experiencing today. So, if you’re driving Buyers around, you’re probably running into this kind of a situation. You know, it’s a Monday...

The Services People Pay Money For

Well, hello there, my name is Tony Smith … Vice President of the Mike Ferry Organization. Thank you for another edition of Mike Ferry TV. We are speaking today on the week of August 17th … and I’m excited to spend a few minutes with you guys today regarding a very important topic that I wrote down for us today. The topic is … the services that people pay money for … the services people pay money for. One of the things we know is that the amount of income we earn is directly proportionate to the services we have to offer. So, if we offer a high level of service at a high volume, we get paid a lot of...

How to Make Closing One of Your Strongest Assets

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV … the week of August the 10th. One of the questions that I’m being asked constantly is … What are the predictions, if you can do such a thing as make a prediction, for the marketing from now until the end of 2020? And with the pandemic in play … and it’s probably going to remain in play … I think that the predictions are very strong that we should see a very good market. The lack of inventory, the low interest rates … everything is driving the Real Estate market. Now, there’s certain parts of the country that are probably not as strong as others, but generally speaking, I think we’re going...

One Simple Way to Hold Yourself More Accountable

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV … the week of August 3rd, 2020. This year is flying by … in spite of the fact we’ve spent most of our time in home isolation. Today we’re going to talk about the power behind a 3x5 card. I’ve used 3x5 cards for a major portion of all of my business aspects virtually my whole career … everything from lead follow-up to what we’re going to talk about today, which is planning how you’re going to succeed at a higher level in August … September … October … November … and December. I want to share something with you. In some of the research that we did … we discovered something that I’ve probably brought...

Why Customer Service Matters within Real Estate

Good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of July 27th. I’m telling you what … this year is going to go by faster than ever, and aren’t we glad that this year is going by faster than ever? Some of you may be aware of the fact that on July 1st, we declared within the Mike Ferry Organization a new year. We celebrated the new year on July 1st this year. We started the new year on January 1st … it hasn’t been the kind of year that any of us probably wanted to have, so now we’re having a second chance. So, I thought as we look at our new year plan, July 1st through December...

How Prospecting Leads to More Production

Hello. I’m Ira Naiditch and I’m a Mike Ferry Organization Coach and speaker … and Mike asked me to talk to you today about what’s probably everybody’s favorite topic … prospecting. So, how many of you honestly prospect as much as your schedule says you’re supposed to? And how many of you really need to be prospecting more but just don’t for one reason or another? Or … in other words … most of you are human because it’s just not getting done the way we always want to do it. Even so, we find that we need to talk to people every day who want to buy or sell Real Estate. We have to do this daily because you can’t...

How to Become a Better Listing Agent in Today’s Market (Part 1)

We aired this episode of MFTV back in April, but we wanted to highlight it again because it is just as relevant today … Welcome and good morning. Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of April 27th ... January, February, March and April gone. Well, we have some fun times ahead of us ... and as we all know, we've been dealing with a very, very difficult and challenging time … really since about the 1st of March. It's interesting that for most agents that we work with very closely, and hopefully you're part of that group, January and February were pretty strong. We got off to a good start this year. First week or 10 days of...

10 Points on Finishing Your Year Successfully (Part 2)

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. Hard to believe it’s the 1st week of July. Where did the first 6 months go? A lot of crazy times for everybody. Interestingly enough, a lot of people did very well selling Real Estate. A lot of people had a hard time. Let’s make sure the second half of the year is good for you. So, as I often do, I’ll take a look at different parts of what you and I have to do each day to succeed in Real Estate and talk about them … and I’m going to take a few minutes today and do that same thing with everybody on Mike Ferry TV. You know, if you look at what we...