
Potential Hang-ups You May Face During the End of the Year

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of November 2nd. Wow. This year has gone by in record paces. A little bit unusual … not exactly what we had planned, but guess what? We’re at the first of November and soon we’ll have a new year … 2021. One month ago almost to the day with my group that I work with on Monday mornings … I have a group … I think there’s about 180 people and we have a meeting every Monday for 30 minutes … it’s called Mornings with Mike … and it’s kind of a fun group because there are a lot of new clients to us … there’s also some long-term...

The Have and Have Nots in Real Estate (part 4)

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of October 26th. Another month is done … completed … how did you do? Did you use the 3x5 cards that I talk about all the time? Did you have a goal for how many listings and how many sales? Did you have a goal for the amount of days you’re going to prospect and what you’re trying to accomplish and do? Because if you use the simplicity of those 3x5 cards for the month of November coming up, you’re probably going to have more success than you’ve had in the past. I was in Seattle, Washington, many, many years ago … one of the big developer builders was introduced to...

The Have and Have Nots in Real Estate (part 3)

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of October 19th. The year is slipping away fast and I certainly hope you’re doing something productive to make sure it doesn’t slip away from you. I’ve discovered after doing this work I’ve done for so many years that often, in the month of October, we get one of two or three responses from Real Estate people. Response number one is … “Mike, it’s October. I’ve had a dismal year. I’ve not done what I wanted. I’ve not come close to achieving my goal, so therefore what I’m going to do is I’m just going to kind of pull back a little bit and just relax and wait for the new...

The Have and Have Nots in Real Estate (part 2)

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of October 12th. Has anybody else caught on to the fact that this year, as unusual, very, very difficult, challenging, strange, productive … probably has not been the kind of year most of us anticipated in January and February. You know, somebody said to me … “Describe 2020.” I said, “Well, January and February … I’m talking about our profession of Real Estate … was actually pretty good. January and February was pretty good. Now, you know, different parts of the country acclimate differently because of weather to January, February for Real Estate production. And then, of course, the first week in March is when the pandemic really became something that was...

The Have and Have Nots in Real Estate (part 1)

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of October 5th and I want to start by saying "thank you." We had such a wonderful response to our virtual Superstar Retreat that took place virtually 10 days or so ago. It was a very unique event because doing something of that size virtually is always a challenge, and we were very fortunate with the technology that is being offered today to have a very seamless retreat. So we want to say thank you for all the support. I don't know how many people actually were there and previewed it because doing it virtually, we don't always get the exact count, but I will tell you that according to our producers...

Are You Ready for the Fourth Quarter?

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. Tony Smith here. Obviously, not Mike Ferry this week. This is the week of September 28th, which is basically the week leading right into the 4th quarter. So, guess what? You know what we're going to talk about here. We're going to talk about how you should be approaching the 4th quarter of 2020 to finish out 2020 in the way that you would like. I want to start with a question. If you follow sports at all ... football, basketball, hockey ... if you follow sports at all, how many of the games that you watch are won or lost in the 4th quarter? You know, in professional sports, we know that the competitors are...

How Successful Agents are Overcoming Market Obstacles

You're qualified ... you have the skills ... you can change your mindset and you can certainly do it better than you have in the past. Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of May 25th. Time is flying by … and the good news is, the difficult times we've all been facing from the 1st of March through the end of April are getting better and better. They're improving ... market's picking up. You're seeing that in your offices ... if you're working. You're seeing that in the transactions in your local Board of Realtors. You know, I keep saying to people that there's light at the end of the tunnel and the light is getting brighter and...

The Impact of this Year’s Superstar Retreat from Mike Ferry

Tony Smith: Hello there. Welcome to another edition of Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith and I am excited to kind of turn the tables a bit today and I get the luxury of interviewing Mr. Mike Ferry himself, the founder of the Mike Ferry Organization. So, welcome, Mike ... Mike Ferry: Well, thank you. Thank you, Tony. This is different. Usually I'm sitting there asking the questions. Today, I'm going to be answering the questions. So why don't you begin. Tony Smith: Okay. So I wrote down a series of questions for you today, Mike, and it's all kind of lining up to the Superstar Retreat, which we have coming here in a few days. Mike Ferry: Of course. Tony Smith:...

The Key Questions Agents are Asking Through this Crisis (Part 1)

Are you in a better position today than you were back in May? If you asked yourself these questions over the past few months, you should be … if you did not, you may want to revisit them once more.   Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is Monday, the week of May 11th. Time flies when you’re having fun … and I know you are having fun. Since … let’s see … I guess it would be March 15th or 16th … I’ve now done some place in the neighborhood of 95 or 96 30-45-minute webinars for Brokers … Managers … clients … companies … all over North America. It’s been a lot of work … it’s been a lot of fun...