
Fireside Chat with Mike Ferry

And good afternoon, it is December twenty second, 2020, and as everybody knows and we don't have to talk about, it has been probably the most unusual year we've ever experienced worldwide. And it's finally coming to an end. And that's the good news. However, it'll probably be just as unusual on twenty, twenty one and we should be getting used to this type of new normal that we have today. There's three parts to the message that I want to give you folks this afternoon. Part A is the message that I sent on... I think it was March 18th of 2020, to our coaching clients. And I was sending that message because I was trying to encourage them,...

Mike Ferry’s Key Points for a Successful 2021

Welcome back, good morning to Mike Ferry TV the week of December 21st, big holidays in front of us. We hope that you're safe and healthy and you have a good time and it's enjoyable for you and your family. What I want to do today is I want to share two thoughts. First thought is the fact that I, I get emails on a somewhat regular basis, you know, once or twice a month from individuals. And I think many times it's simply my competition sending the emails saying that what I teach needs to be updated because it's too old fashioned. And I always reply to those by saying interesting words in quotes, "Old fashioned". I will have...

The Have and Have Nots in Real Estate (part 1)

We aired this episode of MFTV back in October, but due to popular demand we are rerunning it... Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of October 5th and I want to start by saying "thank you." We had such a wonderful response to our virtual Superstar Retreat that took place virtually 10 days or so ago. It was a very unique event because doing something of that size virtually is always a challenge, and we were very fortunate with the technology that is being offered today to have a very seamless retreat. So we want to say thank you for all the support. I don't know how many people actually were there and previewed it because doing it...

“Closing the Gap” in Real Estate

Welcome and good morning, thanks for watching Mike Ferry TV the week of December 7th. Well, time is running out for the month of December very quickly because the holidays so therefore our chances for succeeding based on the number of days we could work are diminishing. But your chances for succeeding are accelerating because most of your competitors are not working at all. So I'm excited for those of you that are still participating in the real estate business. I did a little research. We've been doing Mike Ferry TV now for probably a little over 15 years, and I don't have some of the early results from that first five or seven years. But I know according to...

Business Planning for Productivity and Profit in Real Estate

Welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of November 30th, we have one month left to complete this year as a lot of our brokers are doing. They're  talking about the fact that too many agents are taking too much time off, not working at all or working some of the time. And the agents that are working are doing a lot of business. The market is very strong in 90 percent of the markets in North America today. The question is, do you want to participate or do you want to watch? I said to somebody a couple of days ago that what's really been interesting for me, and that's because of my length...

The Successful Formula for Real Estate

And welcome to Mike Ferry TV, it is Mike Ferry speaking to you today, it is the week of November 23rd here in the US. It is our annual Thanksgiving holiday. Canada celebrated theirs the first part of October. So for our Canadian friends, have a great week, take a few listings and enjoy yourself for our American friends. Hopefully you'll get a couple of days off to be with your family and enjoy this experience that we have called Thanksgiving. In two thousand and fifteen, I put together a little series of thoughts and it was called The Formula for becoming a great listing agent. And of course, you know, I had a couple people say to me, well,...

Points Covered From Superstar Retreat 2020

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of November 16th. Six weeks left, which I think all of us would agree has been a bit of an unusual year, not only in the U.S. and Canada, but worldwide. I want to take a little bit of time today and next week … and for those that were not able to be part of our Superstar Retreat in September, which was a virtual retreat, I’m going to share a couple thoughts that I expressed during that first 30 to 40 minutes of the retreat itself. I think you might find them interesting as you look forward to 2021. We had sold a little over 4,000 tickets to the retreat this year,...

How to Become a Better Listing Agent in Today’s Market (Part 1)

We aired this episode of MFTV back in April, but we wanted to highlight it again because it is just as relevant today … Welcome and good morning. Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV ... the week of April 27th ... January, February, March and April gone. Well, we have some fun times ahead of us ... and as we all know, we've been dealing with a very, very difficult and challenging time … really since about the 1st of March. It's interesting that for most agents that we work with very closely, and hopefully you're part of that group, January and February were pretty strong. We got off to a good start this year. First week or 10 days of...