
Current Problems and Solutions in Real Estate

And welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of May the 3rd and we are actually recording this the week before because we're in Orlando, Florida. Tomorrow we're doing our first live two day event in probably 15, 16 months. So we're excited about the opportunity to work this week in Orlando with a lot of great agents in attendance. You know, the problem in Real Estate today, as we all are aware, is the lack of inventory. But there's a couple of other things going on that I want to talk about today. And I think the biggest challenge we face today is looking at the overall scope of the real estate market in the United States....

The Great Dilemma

And welcome. Good morning to April 19th, the week of April 19th, and of course, it is Mike Ferry TV. I've got a three by five card in front of me. I've got four of them that I'm going to share with you guys and gals today. And this one says in capital letters, the great dilemma, the great dilemma. And quite honestly, I think we are facing a very interesting and great dilemma and that great dilemma I wrote on the card, how can we have five million plus sales and not have any listings? Now, I know that sounds strange, but I want you to think about it for just a minute. Most of the markets in North...

Mike Ferry’s Goal Setting System

Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. This is Tony Smith here, vice president of The Mike Ferry Organization, and I am thrilled to death to spend a few minutes with you today. And I'm really thrilled about the topic that I wanted to cover with you on the Mike Ferry TV today. Do you need to set goals? More importantly, do you need to achieve goals that you set? You know, it's been said by Mike, it's been said by Earl Nightingale, it's been said by a lot of people, that most of the universe is walking around without any goals at all. And they walk around without really setting or achieving many goals. Everything happens kind of by default instead...

How Mike Ferry Shaped His Thinking and How You Can Too

And good Monday morning, it is March 29, the week of March 29th. Welcome to Mike Ferry TV. OK, the end of the first quarter is upon us and of course, we are experiencing one of the best Real Estate markets probably most of us have ever seen. And of course, my question for each of you is, how are you participating in this market? It's a difficult and challenging market we have today. We'll talk about that more in a minute. But first quarter's done. You had a goal to do X number of transactions for the year 2021. How far along are you? It's not uncommon. So I want you to listen carefully. It's not uncommon to be...

Setting More Qualified Appointments

Hello, welcome to Mike Ferry TV. My name is Tony Smith, obviously not Mike Ferry this week, the week of March 22nd. And I'm excited to spend a few minutes with you here today on Mike Ferry TV. You know, it wasn't that long ago we celebrated the 700th episode of Mike Ferry TV. You really have to admire and respect seven hundred episodes of this viewed by thousands and thousands of people each and every week. Boy, Mike's material never stops, does it? He never stops. And he's never going to stop with you in your quest to improve your production and your productivity and your profitability. Right. I'm not going to stop either, because right now we happen...

Shifting Your Mindset to Take More Listings

Welcome to the Mike Ferry TV podcast. Hear from the global leader in real estate, sales, training and coaching; the legendary Mike Ferry. Every Monday, you'll listen to Mike Ferry discuss a variety of topics to help real estate agents and brokers grow their real estate business by focusing on improving their mindset, developing their skills and creating a plan of action to increase their production. Let's begin. And welcome to Mike Ferry TV the week of March 15th. Wow ... Two and a half months done. Hope you're on track for the goals you've set. That's a kind of a standard thought that I will always be expressing to you. OK, let's do a little "be honest with ourselves." How...

Stretching Your Goals – Quantity Versus Quality

Welcome. Good morning to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of Monday, March 8th, so we set a goal for our coaching clients and the month of February. We asked each one to work hard to take a minimum of four active, good, solid listings. I don't have the numbers yet. I'll have them the next week or so as to what percentage did take four. But from what the coaches are telling me, it was quite high. So then I decided for the month of March to stretch everybody a little bit and we set a goal for everybody to take six listings. I got a little bit of negative feedback because some of the people that are...

Exciting News for MFO – Moving Forward in 2021

And welcome and good morning to Mike Ferry TV the week of February 22nd. OK. Almost two months of the year is down. And of course, we're thinking that this market we have today is going to be extended for quite a long period of time. As I said, I'm asked every day, OK, what do we expect in 2021? And I am saying to everybody, the 2021 will be an extension of 2020. The difference is we have learned to live with this unfortunate pandemic that we've all experienced and we have some good news today. We had an announcement come to us from what is called the Visitor and Convention Bureau for Las Vegas. And that particular organization...

5 Ideas to Become A Stronger Listing Agent

Welcome back. Good morning it is the week of February 15th, and I think some of you know that on February 1st we made a little declaration to all of our coaching clients throughout North America that February was Mike Ferry Coaching Clients Listing Month and that 100 percent of our energy and time should be spent on taking listings. And, you know, we all know the shortages and play the shortage of listings. But I think what we forget all the time is, you know, we're going to have projected ... And I think it's a pretty good projection, we're going to have over five million Real Estate transactions take place during the calendar year 2021; Half of those...