FCC “Consent” Law

The FCC will put into effect a new “consent” law on January 27th, 2025. Don’t fall for “experts” who can help you through this unless they have a full understanding of the FCC law. This is a federal law that can be enhanced by states. Did the state you live in enhance the law? Talk to your broker, speak to an attorney with FCC knowledge and stay compliant. There is always a path forward and it is always best to know how the law will affect you, if at all.

Mike and the owner of Arch Communication, Steve Cortez, will discuss this at the Production Retreat next week in Palm Desert, CA.

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Accountability is essential for any successful sales person. Without it, it is difficult to achieve the goals you have set. Mike Ferry’s Advanced Accountability Group will help you take ownership of the things you must do daily to give you the greatest opportunity to achieve the goals you have set. 

Our focus is on five areas of accountability: Days Worked … Prospecting … Appointments Set … Listings Taken … and Sales Made.  Make a personal goal for these areas and we facilitate the accountability. Missed days  or missed commitments bring on specific “consequences” that you decide!

Each session is 90-Days and if you are accountable on all commitments that you set with us the outcome should surely rule in more production and profit.

New Session Dates Coming Soon