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Keep The Momentum Going

Mike Ferry: And welcome to Mike Ferry TV. It is the week of January 30, 1st month down 11 to go. I guess the first question would be how did you do? Understanding, of course, but a big part of selling Real Estate in any volume revolves around the word “Momentum”. And, you know, with the different holidays that are taken, whether it be Easter, Thanksgiving, your birthday, your anniversary or Hanukkah, Christmas or whatever you celebrate, you know, momentum is often broken for three to five to 10 workdays, and then you take a couple of vacations and you might come to one of our events. There’s a series of momentum breakers that take place during the course of the year because what I’ve heard the last couple of days doing Coaching Calls was the number of agents that we all look at and respect as being great producers that had a difficult time getting back into momentum in January. I want to say to all of you, you know, you never take the goal for the year and divide up by 12. Because each of us in Real Estate in each new experience what I call seasonal production. There are times or points when your production seems to come a little easier, a little more fun, you’re more productive and there’s times throughout the course of the year where that is not the case. Often, the Northeast in the wintertime suffers from some pretty severe snow.

Mike Ferry: Many times that slows the market down for 30, 45, or longer. In the summertime in the southeast, there’s some pretty intense heat. That many times slows the market down, so understand that momentum is going to work in your favor or hold you back, depending on whether it be positive or negative. So doing the Production Retreat two weeks ago, in Las Vegas, we discovered in talking to our Coaching clients in attendance we had, I think, just about just under fifteen hundred people attend. We had about two hundred and fifty that did not show up, and it was COVID related, which we understood. And I don’t know if you were there or not, but what we did, you know, we put five hundred extra chairs in the room to allow people to spread out and feel safe and comfortable, which I received a lot of “thank you’s” for that which you’re all very welcome. But what we discovered is the majority of our clients earned between 25 and 40 percent more income in 2021 than they had ever earned before. And they did it without increasing their transaction count. Which means the average sales price was driven by interest rates and by the COVID problem we all had and seen and witnessed and are still experiencing drove the prices up. So many, many agents did less transactions because the average commission check was up so much bigger and many just matched what they did before and made 25 to 40 percent more.

Mike Ferry: I wrote down a question. Did your skills become 30 to 40 percent better or was it simply the economy in the market that drove your commissions to what they were? I talked to a young man from the Midwest a couple of days ago, and his average commission check jumped from $11,000 to over $14,750 in less than a year. Well, that’s a big increase and of course, he was very excited and we were excited for him. Then I asked him how many transactions he did, and he did the same number in 2020, 20221 and is projecting the same number in 2022 with again an increase in income because the economy and the market conditions. So, I wrote a quote OK, I don’t write a lot of original quotes because I’m a great research analyst and finding good ideas, but I wrote this this morning. If you’re expanding your mind, which is what our job is as professional realtors, aren’t you in essence expanding your confidence, which in essence expands your personal power, which also expands your production opportunities? So my question then will be as we look at 2022 and one month down, as I said, eleven to go. Are you willing to expand your mind and watching Mike Ferry TV is, of course, one avenue of the many we offer for expanding your mind? But the challenge we have today is deciding what we’re going to read, what we’re going to listen to, et cetera.

Mike Ferry: So I have a couple of recommendations. I was asked this on a Think Big call a couple of weeks ago. Can you give a couple of great books that I think people should read? One of the best books I’ve ever read on business is called “A Work in Progress” written by the chairman of the Disney Corporation, whose name is Michael Eisner. It’s a wonderful book, a wonderful story of how he basically brought Disney back to life and made it one of the most successful corporations in the world. And one of my mentors and heroes wrote a book called “Think Outside the Box” and it was co-written by his partner, Diane Deacon. His name, of course, as many of you know as Michael Vance. “Think Outside the Box” is a wonderful book to help you understand the value of learning and growing and creativity, which we all have. Because Mike Vance and Diane Deacon can define creativity as rearranging what we’ve always done in a new way or finding a new way. So we always have to keep stirring the pot if we expect to expand our minds and expand our confidence, expand our personal power and expand our production. But I also told this group that we’re for audio programs they should consider because I gave these programs to my sons, Matt and Tom and Pat, my daughter Michelle, when they were very young to listen to.

Mike Ferry: And I think Matt and Tom did a great job of taking advantage of this information. Not that Pat and Michelle didn’t, but Matt and Tom used it to become professional speakers and coaches and trainers, as most of you know. “30 Days to Personal Power” by Tony Robbins. Great. Now this is an audio program in the days when I gave it to Matt and Tom, Michelle and Pat, it was a cassette program, but now it’s an audio program 30 days to personal power. Second, “The Psychology of Achievement” by Brian Tracy. I think it’s one of the first pieces of work he did. It’s an exceptionally great message the psychology of achievement and, of course, the stable behind almost all great motivational messages around today. “Lead the field by Earl Nightingale”. I went online and all these are still available in an audio basis. And the last one was one of the real heroes of original sales training Zig Ziglar program called “Secrets of Closing the Sale”. So my job in 2022 with anybody participating in Mike Ferry TV is to expand your mind to help you understand the value of learning how to build your confidence, your personal power, therefore your productivity. If you attended the Production Retreat two weeks ago, thank you for being there.

Mike Ferry: It was a great crowd we had. It was a very enjoyable three days with a very enthusiastic group of people, and we were very fortunate to be in a wonderful facility the Caesars Palace has. We’re going to be at the new Caesars Palace Forum, which is a new three hundred and eighty thousand square foot all on one floor with no pulls to distract anybody. One big giant beautiful because we want previewed it conference center that they built. And will be at that venue for the Superstar Retreat. So if you attended the Production Retreat, thank you for attending. I’m going to be sending if you did attend a series of emails over the next two weeks following up on the ideas that I gave at the retreat, if the subject line says Production Retreat with Mike Ferry, open the email because we’ve had today. Now we’ve had probably seven hundred and fifty requests for certain things that I covered that we shared we’d be sending to you. So if you did attend, thank you. If you didn’t. We have a lot of events coming up live this year. We would like to see you participate and expand your mind. Let’s have a great year, but let’s make sure that if we’re going to increase our income, we increase the skills, which gives us the confidence to do the job. Thanks for watching Mike Ferry TV. See you next week. Thank you.

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