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A woman with her headset on smiling while sitting at her desk

4 Reasons Why You Must Stay Connected

A woman with her headset on smiling while sitting at her desk

Social distancing may have changed the dynamic of your job and obligations, but at The Mike Ferry Organization, we will continue to lead by example!

Your role as a Real Estate Agent has shifted, however this is a reminder to remain a calming force for your clients during this difficult time. Here are 4 reasons why Real Estate Agents need to stay connected and productive.

Your Schedule Has Shifted

Real Estate Agents generally don’t have a standard work shift, but a disruption in schedule doesn’t have to be a disruption in productivity. Virtual meetings and video chats give you the opportunity to be available for your clients throughout more points of the day.

Keeping Up with Your Responsibilities

Your job duties aren’t going anywhere so continue to work with your prospects. Social distancing doesn’t mean you should distance yourself from your database.

A woman smiling while sitting at her desk with her headset on

Improve Your Skills

This time at home gives you an opportunity to improve your skills. Take the time to strengthen the skills of your staff, engage in training exercises, perform coaching calls, and hold virtual sales calls.

Build and Maintain Prospects

The quarantine period will eventually come to some sort of close. Utilize common sense and reassure past and current clients of this notion. Check-in and ask how they are doing, how their family is doing, let them know you’re still here for them, and be a Real Estate resource center.

Contact The Mike Ferry Organization

This pandemic isn’t stopping The Mike Ferry Organization from being at its best. We are offering a virtual coaching program that can help every agent during this time, and it is called ADAPT. Sign up today and let others know that we’re here for you!

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