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Strengthen Your Mindset

Strengthen Your Mindset

We still have a lot of time to do a lot of highly productive things to boost your real estate career. As you’ve heard me say time and time again: starting around mid-September, the agents that are not doing anything of consequence pretty much stop because they’re going to wait until the New Year to start. Think about that, they’re stopping in September and October waiting for the New Year to start.

By the time the New Year starts, they’re out of the business mindset. There’s also a lot of agents, you may be one of them and I hope you are, that have had a great year. Don’t stop the momentum that you have. It’s a very important part of the business, so the fact that we have today and we still have two and half months left means that the competition we’re dealing with is diminishing for a variety of reasons, but as long as you keep working you’re going to succeed.

Today’s topic is mindset. Mindset is what is going on in your head at a given moment about a particular person, a situation, or a particular thing that you’re encountering. Your mental response to a situation that’s your mindset. Now mindsets are either very positive or negative. The question is, how do you control it, manage it, and operate it? How do you keep your mindset working in your favor every single day? Here are a series of points I want you to listen to, implement, and take action on to strengthen your mindset.

  1. Always be honest with yourself where your skills are so you can develop the mental strength to win on a daily basis.

    1. What skills do you have that are carrying you forward and building your business and what skills are you lacking that you need assistance with? Be honest with yourself, your broker, and your coach, if you have one. We have a tendency to develop the skills that we feel the most comfortable with versus the skills that lead us in the best direction to doing our business.
    2. We can develop mental strength if we develop strong skills. Knowledge equals confidence, ignorance equals fear. As our knowledge increases, our confidence goes up. On the other side, if we are not confident our whole ability to take action decreases. What we want to work on between now and the end of the year, is the mental strength to accomplish the goals you’ve set.
  2. Strong people, not necessarily the best producers. I’m going to define strong people as those who set goals and achieve those goals.

    1. They eliminate the option called failure. Failure’s not part of their terminology. I’ll say to some people spell “failure,” Their response is, “I don’t know how to spell failure because I don’t participate.” Failure is something other people participate in, not you, not I. The mental capacity, the mental strength to eliminate failure from your day-to-day life is critical. While prospecting, will you be told no? Yes. Are you going to have sellers that reject what you have to say? Yes, but you have to decide what your response is going to be to those types of rejections.
    2. The option, of course, is to take the path of least resistance, which agents do every day and they eliminate failure by not talking to people. They buy their leads off the internet because it’s easier. They hold an open house so no one will be offended when they walk in the door because they’re not going to offend them to ask them to buy it. We can eliminate failure by not taking action. We can instigate failure by taking action if we take enough action, so you’re going to win, yes. Therefore, the failures don’t make any difference.
  3. We have to have an absolute unwavering desire to achieve the goals we’ve set in spite of the ups and downs this crazy business has.

    1. The nice part about real estate is you get a good lead, you’re excited. You call them and they’re not interested, you’re depressed. You get a great listing, you’re excited. It never sells, you’re depressed. You have a great buyer appointment that’s prequalified and ready to go, you’re excited. They don’t show up, you’re depressed. This is called the life of a real estate agent. It’s just part of the process so one of the ways to really get by the ups and downs is to have that absolute desire.
    2. What is the goal you’ve set for October through December? How many listings, sales, closings, how much income? If you focus on that, then you’ll have the mental capacity to do your job.
  4. If you develop a strong mindset, you remove some of the drama that this business creates.

    1. This business creates a lot of drama. Real estate creates a lot of drama and as long as you are subject to letting that drama run your life, you’re never going to have the mindset necessary.
  5. Both our personal and business environments are critical to controlling and keeping a positive mindset.

    1. The people you hang out with, you’re associations, your peers. Are they positive? Strong? Always going to be the kind that encourage? Are you going to encourage the people that you’re around? Are you going to be positive and strong?
    2. The environment we keep, people will say to me, “I notice that you don’t talk to a lot of people,” and I don’t talk to a lot of people. Now I talk to groups of people, I don’t spend a lot of time individually talking to people. Why? Because most people are not very positive. I don’t want that influence on my life. My job is to be very strong, positive for large groups of people like we have today. I have to be very strong and positive; that is my role, my job. That’s what you expect. To make that happen, I have to control the environment I’m operating in. So, I’m not going to read the newspaper or watch the news, I’m not going to go through most of what people do every day because most of what people do every day really can be upsetting, create emotion and drama. It’s all mindset.
  6. We become like the people we associate with. To develop a strong mindset, I have to be more particular.

    1. Earl Nightingale had a great line, “If you want to clean the neighborhood, sweep in front of your own doorstep first. If you want to make the neighborhood look nicer, mow your own lawn.” What his thought was, you know, you’re going to be like the people in the environment you hang out with. Be careful who you hang out with and you can strengthen your mindset.
  7. It’s critical we keep expanding our minds and expanding our mindset, strengthen our mindset, how do we do that?

    1. Read more inspirational books. Listen to more inspirational CDs. Spend time with people that are positive and do more than you do so you can get a great influence.
  8. Strongly consider attending two, three or four of our events.

    1. We put on 30-35 events this year in the U.S. and Canada, are you attending any at all? In January, we have production retreat, are you going to be there? Call the office and get involved with the things that will cause your mind to get stronger, more productive and more profitable

Let’s make the last two and a half months great.

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Watch Mike Ferry each week as he discusses a variety of topics to help real estate agents and brokers. Grow your real estate business by improving your mindset, developing your skills and creating a plan of action to increase your production.


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