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showing property to buyers

Showing Property To Buyers

What to focus on when showing property to buyers. Mike focuses a lot on listing property. So much so, that a misconception has arisen.

The misconception is that Mike Ferry doesn’t want you to work with buyers. It’s incorrect.

What Mike says is that it will be very difficult to sell 50, 75 or 100 homes a year when your primary source is buyers. We all know that buyers can sometimes be more available or easier to find, and with the recent shift you may be experiencing in your marketplace, your ability to effectively put buyers into contract can help you maintain your production level and help you sell more homes.

Whether you’re showing your own listings or those of another company the experience that the buyers have when looking at home increase or decrease the likelihood of them buying one. The difference can be how homes are shown by the agent. These next few thoughts will help you strengthen your service when showing property.

Get Out Of Your Own Way, And Your Buyer’s Too

1. Always park across the street from the home. Don’t pull in the driveway, you can’t see the house from the driveway.

Set The Scene

2. As you approach the front door, say something like, “let’s look at this home as if it were vacant,” to put the mindset in to see past the furniture and the decorations and see themselves living there.

Be Available But Let The Buyer Take The Lead

3. When showing a property to buyers, once inside the front door, say, “make yourselves at home. I’m here just to answer your questions,” and take the pressure off them having to make a decision right now.

Be Close Enough To Hear Any Comments

4. Always keep the buyers together inside the home if you can. Keep the control and that way you can hear what’s being said.

Double Back To The Best Stuff

5. Try to save something good for last, but show it to them first. For instance, if they wanted a fancy fireplace, point it out when you enter the house but then show it to them last.

Ask Questions That Get Them To Visualize Living There

6. Get the customers emotionally involved in the home through questions when showing property. Ask questions about motivation or about timing, have them visualize themselves living there.

Your Excitement Is Their Excitement!

7. Be enthusiastic. Buyers will notice and mirror your excitement. You’re an enthusiastic salesperson and excited to show homes.

Three Is The Magic Number

8. Never show more than three homes at a time. It’s too confusing to the buyers when you show 5, 6, 7, or 12. Three at a time and then make a decision.

Tell Them To Take Notes

9. Encourage the buyer to take notes while showing property. When you show them a few houses, they may need the notes to remember which one is which.

Do Not Follow Them Or Vice Versa

10. Always take one car, even if it’s theirs. That way you can maintain the control, the dialogue and you can hear what’s being said.


11. Never make statements when showing property to buyers. Only ask questions. Selling is not telling, and statements are simply going to be your opinion, your feelings, and at this point, it doesn’t matter. Ask questions about the property, the value and the benefits. Ask the questions of the buyer, listen to their answers, that way we can help find them a house as soon as possible.

Check out this great .mp3 download 15 Minutes Before Showing Property To Buyers. And then go out and show some property! We look forward to talking to you soon.

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